Peer-reviewed Publications
In chronological order
Davenport, T.M., Grabowski, J.H., Hughes, A.R. (2022) Edge effects influence the composition and density of reef residents on subtidal restored oyster reefs. Restoration Ecology e13693. PDF
Davenport, T.M., Hughes, A.R., zu Ermgassen, P. S.E., Grabowski, J.H. (2021) Recruitment enhancement varies by taxonomic group and oyster reef habitat characteristics. Ecological Applications, 31(5): e2340. PDF
Dell’Apa, A., Carney, K., Davenport, T.M., Carle, M.V. (2018) Potential medium-term impacts of climate change on tuna and billfish in the Gulf of Mexico: A qualitative framework for management and conservation. Marine Environmental Research 141: 1 – 11. DOI PDF
Davenport, T.M., Seitz, R.D., Knick, K. E., Jackson, N. Living shorelines support near-shore benthic communities in upper and lower Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 41 (Suppl 1): S197-S206. DOI PDF
​Featured in Coastal and Estuarine Science News, March 2018
Seitz, R.D., Knick, K.E., Davenport, T.M., Saluta, G.G. Human influence at the coast: Upland and shoreline stressors affect coastal macrofauna and are mediated by salinity. Estuaries and Coasts 41 (Suppl 1): S114 - S130. DOI
Lefcheck, J.S., M.A. Whalen, T.M. Davenport, J. Stone, and J.E. Duffy. 2013. Physiological effects of diet mixing on consumer fitness: a meta-analysis. Ecology 94(3), 565-572. DOI
Stout E.P., Hasemeyer A.P., Lane A.L., Davenport T.M., Engel S., Hay M.E., Fairchild C.R., Prudhomme J., Le Roch K., Aalbersberg W., Kubanek J. 2009. Antibacterial neurymenolides from the Fijian red alga Neurymenia fraxinifolia. Organic Letters 11(1), 225-228. doi: 10.1021/ol8024814.